mardi 12 août 2014

Le Havre France: Francis Nachbar, a public prosecutor an aggressor an offender. After the anti-violence teacher Julie Amadis was put under arrest in a cafe for a comment on YouTube, now it's the client of a toy store who has died in his cell in police custody. The public prosecutor had been reported by the Belgian Crown prosecutor Cédric Visart de Bocarmé to the Prosecutor General in Reims (France) because he hit a witness.

The public prosecutor Francis Nachbar
 is an aggressor that protects abusers

by Yanick Toutain

On 29th of July, a schoolteacher was arrested in a cafe on the orders of prosecutor Nachbar by the "anti-crime brigade" of Le Havre. (Police said "Article 78 You must follow us. We do not know the explanation for the arrest")
Watching swimmers is a police
 work socially useful. Harassing
 the witnesses of violence to children
 and to protect the aggressors is not.
Under the threat of violence, the teacher was forced to accompany the police. (as well as the author of this blog)
Motif. A defamation complaint lodged by an inspector from the Ministry of Education about a comment on YouTube. The commentary explains that this inspector has been harassing the teacher since 2008 and has been protecting (at least) three child molesters.
The anti-slapping blogger, anti-spanking (me) - is being sued by 7 people for stories about cases of agressions against children in schools in Le Havre).
(The 7 people are perpetrators, accomplices or friends of the child agressors).


10 days later, on Aug. 7th, a family man dies in custody. He had just brought back a defective toy in a store near Le Havre. Joué-Club store refused to take his complaint into consideration and the direction of the store had called the police to arrest him.


Public attorney Nachbar of Le Havre - the city where the scandals happen - is well known in Belgium: the Belgian Crown prosecutor Cédric Visart de Bocarmé  had filed a report about the acts of the French prosecutor to the Attorney General of Reims (in France). Reporting for aggression on a witness. The proceedings were discontinued.

He has a method to force the innocent to confess. He hits them on the head in custody. 
Nobody will believe the results of investigations into the death in custody until other attackers have not been placed under arrest; Attorney Nachbar and teachers abusers of children. 
Nobody will believe the conclusions of the investigation into the death of the purchaser of a toy until the witnesses of violence in Le Havre has not been placed under the protection of a honest justice.


Self-portrait of the author
on the beach of Le Havre near
 the police lifeguard station
After being hit by the prosecutor Nachbar behind the head, the witness "confessed" she saw a crime that had never taken place. Such was the astonishing scene witnessed by a Belgian police officer (in training in France)  had seen. It was much later that justice found evidence that the woman witness had "confessed" non-existent crime hoping Nachbar stops hitting her.
The prosecutor who hit the witnesses was rewarded for his exploits by President Sarkozy.
The Legion of Honour at first, then a nomination in one of the largest ports in France: Le Havre
It was in this city that the behavior of the offender Nachbar public prosecutor - a prosecutor who mocks the law - could be on a large scale.
The cops of Le Havre were beating for years ("justice is us who do"), teachers hitting children, slapping teachers, spanking teachers, agressors teachers had found a protector.
The thugocracy that directs France was so glad that Holland has retained his position of responsibility.


Saturday, August 9, 2014

Custody at Havre: the dead victim of the Attorney Nachbar ! too! Attorney abuser violates the law for years protected by Sarkozy, Valls, Holland, Taubira Cazeneuve! The Havre's citizens are in danger

The prosecutorNachba is an aggressor
that protects abusers
by Yanick Toutain

There was a customer in a toy-store Joué Club. He was 42 years old. He returned a defective toy. A remote controlled car. Unfortunately for him, he was living in Le Havre. He is dead.
And it is in this town that Sarkozy had appointed a prosecutor offender aggressor.
One of these thugs believed to law.


I try to inform the public for years

JEUDI 26 JUIN 2014

The Havre Truth: An attorney who slaps protects the teacher aggressor Valmy 2 Launay Leon de Valmy 2!The scandalous appointment of attorney Nachbar

by Yanick Toutain

"Cedric Visart de Bocarme, prosecutor,
who forwarded his complaints
at the end of proceedings Yves Charpenel,
Attorney General Reims
who hastened to bury the folder "
(Sic Christian Chardon below)


(Sic Christian Chardon The Union the Ardennes)

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