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mercredi 27 octobre 2021

ZIGZAGS Written on April 28, 2001 by Yanick Toutain (Each month the Moon makes one zigzag around the Earth. Each year, this makes one zigzags around the Sun.)


Written on April 28, 2001 by Yanick Toutain
(2012 presentation)

Each month the Moon makes one zigzag around the Earth.

Each year, this makes one zigzags around the Sun.

In 240 million years (calculation made by astronomers) the Sun (therefore the Earth, the Moon, Mars ...) will have made one zigzag around the center of the Milky Way.

This one advances in the Universe, zigzagging itself around the center of the Local Amas.

The Amas Local zigzagging forward.

The Universe moves forward in zigzagging: we only MOVE FORWARD by MOVING AWAY from the place of origin.


An inhabitant of Ecuador zigzags more than an inhabitant of the North Pole or the South Pole: his zigzag has an amplitude, a width of zigzag equal to the DIAMETER of the Earth (approximately 13,000 kilometers)

The inhabitant of Ecuador moves from left to right zigzagging MORE than the Lapp. So it goes FASTER It goes faster to make a longer trip

The inhabitant of the North Pole zigzags a little from right to left and, very very little, from bottom to top: The Ancients said that the Earth is "tilted".

On Earth, the particles all zigzag. Worms, snakes, sperm zigzag: The more elementary life is, the more it resembles the non-living.

Electrons zigzag around the nucleus of atoms.

When a grain of light joins an electron, the electron charged with an additional photon has a greater amplitude. It zigzags more.

The ancients of the quantum revolution said that the atom was excited.

In fact, he just had one electron that moved further away from the nucleus.

Everything is made of zigzags!

Only the amplitudes change.

The velocities of the particles on Earth remain the same, otherwise, the particles leave the Earth.

We must imagine the whole of the Universe as a gigantic fireworks display of zigzags in zigzags.

It is only when a "generation", a group of discoverers of all ages from 7 (5?) To 77 years old have taken this into account as the conceptual brick that science will finally begin.

The precursors, Democritus, Lucretia, Anaxagora, Pythagoras, Galileo, Kepler, Copernicus, Newton, Lavoisier, Kronecker, Boltzmann, Planck and Einstein (without his relativistic hogwash) will have the start of the realization of their dreams.

All the rest, quantum mechanics, relativity, Mathematics, Archaeo-Keplerian astrophysics are only charlataneries: the Earth NEVER REVERSES ITS FOOTSTEPS.

The electron never makes the "TOUR" of the nucleus.

And ... Heisenberg will return to where he came from: to the Pantheon of reactionary Nazis.

He will go in the company of the Vatican Cantor and the paradisiac Hilbert.

The key is: The brick of the Universe, the grain of light, the photon zigzags.

It is THIS FACT which is the BRICK of the TOTALITY of the rest.

The zigzags of photons GENERATE the zigzags of everything that is made of photons.

And since EVERYTHING is made of photons ....

The study of these will pave the way for VULCANOLOGY, METEOROLOGY

etc ...


                               Yanick Toutain

                                the 04/28/2001