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samedi 28 août 2021

5th column provax VS Aotearoa New Zealand! In 3 days decrease - 27% of tests! + 32% increase in contaminations! The provax militiamen of Scott Grug Crood Morrison and Gladys Gran Crood Berejiklian want to sabotage the screening in the island to contaminate New Zealand as they did in New South Wales by denigrating Mark Mc Gowan

by Yanick Toutain
August 28, 2021
edited by Julie Amadis

In highlight, let things be clear, Scott Grug Crood Morrison and Gladys Gran Crood Berejiklian are mentally retarded people who want to bring Jacinda Eep Ardern and Mark Guy Mc Gowan back to the cave of Trump Crood, Bolsonaro Crood, Macron Crood Bennett Crood and Biden Crood.
They want to manipulate with lies populations who have known the light when Europe and the United States suffer the martyrdom of repeated confinements, the medieval barbarism of pandemic deaths and the programmed suicide of vaccines with totally unpredictable side effects.
Israel with 360 times more infected than New Zealand since January is a prehistoric cave run by criminals. Criminals sabotaging screening for weeks to be able to sell their 3rd dose, like traffickers from the Far West trying to sell their alcohol to Sioux and Cheyenne more naive than the others.

5th column provax VS Aotearoa New Zealand! In 3 days decrease - 27% of tests! + 32% increase in contaminations! The provax militiamen of Scott Grug Crood Morrison and Gladys Gran Crood Berejiklian want to sabotage the screening in the island to contaminate New Zealand as they did in New South Wales by denigrating Mark Mc Gowan

Accumulating bad news in New Zealand
Scott Morrison's 5th provax column managed to sabotage the massive screening in Aotearoa.
The descendants of prehistoric explorers "Era of Innovators" will be the first victims of this sanitary plot infiltrating the island of Te Ika-a-Māui
+ 32% of new infections in 3 days (from 62 to 82) with a scandalous decrease in screening less 27% of tests (from 49,745 to 36,418)
Sabotage is now evident!
The number of contact cases tested was divided by 5.7 in 8 days (from 2,536 tests per confirmed case on August 20 to only 444 yesterday)
The provax manipulated by the 5th foreign column stupidly cry victory with
 "more than 89,000 vaccines administered yesterday"
Which therefore means that 59% of those vaccinated yesterday were not even tested !!!
This figure therefore means that out of 5 vaccinated, less than 2 have been screened to find out whether or not they were carriers of the virus.
Deplorable sanitary methods: the number of vaccinated should always be lower than the number of people screened.


No respect for the revolutionary traditions of free peoples is not necessarily surprising on the part of Jacinda Ardern; his education is largely at fault.
But no respect either for the ancestral traditions of all peoples: the designation of revocable delegates. This is not excusable.
But when health self-organization at the base is - I wrote it on January 25, 2020 - the precondition for an effective zerocovid fight, persisting in controlling everything from above is the result of royalist traditions totally unsuited to the 21 ° century and the zero covid fight.


To the fault consisting in the absence of health self-organization (125 health delegates + 500 health correspondents per Commune of 4000 inhabitants with an executive committee of 25 revocable delegates) to humanize and improve tracing and screening, Jacinda Ardern adds the fault of the infiltration of the 5th column of Scott Morrison's #NSW saboteurs. In order for its corrupt clique to receive its reward, New Zealand obviously had to be contaminated and fail to return to community COVID ZERO.


Morrison battles to get hardline premiers to accept the inevitable spread of COVID

Morrison on Monday again insisted the nation must open – start “coming out of the cave” – once vaccination levels reached 70% and 80% of the eligible population.

This would mean accepting a large number of COVID cases in the community but minimising hospitalisations and deaths.

“If not at 70% and 80%, then when?” Morrison said. “We must make that move and … we must prepare the country to make that move. The lockdowns now being endured are taking an extremely heavy toll.”

“We must adjust our mindset. Cases will not be the issue once we get above 70%. Dealing with serious illness, hospitalisation, ICU capabilities, our ability to respond in those circumstances, that will be our goal. And we will live with this virus as we live with other infectious diseases. That’s what the national plan is all about.”

NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian, whose state has new cases running at more than 800 a day, said it was “completely unrealistic” to believe zero COVID could be sustained with the Delta variant.

But Western Australia’s Mark McGowan said: “Queensland has no cases. Northern Territory has no cases. Western Australia has no case. South Australia and Tasmania have no cases. That’s 40% of the national population. And we’re actually quite happy with that.

"So I think there’s a lot of self-serving justification going on by the New South Wales government because of their performance.”

PM Scott Morrison's insults against West Australian Premier Mark Mc Gowan obviously also target Jacinda Ardern
All the anti-Zero COVID propaganda in the provax media - even when they don't mention New Zealand, see this country as a mentally retarded zone that needs to be re-educated with Pfizer bites
Perthnow  The Prime Minister has alienated and angered an entire state after appearing to liken Western Australia to cavemen seen in a 2013 Hollywood film during a bizarre television interview.
Scott Morrison was discussing COVID-19 vaccination rates when he said it was “absurd” for any state to think they could protect themselves from the Delta strain forever, in a clear dig to states like WA.
“Now it’s like that movie The Croods,” he told The Today Show on Tuesday, in reference to the children’s film about cavemen.
“Some wanted to stay in the cave and the young girl wanted to deal with the challenges of living in a different world. Covid is a different world ... we can’t stay in the cave.”
WA Premier Mark McGowan said the Prime Minister’s comments were “an odd thing to say”.
“We are not in lockdown, we are the freest community anywhere in Australia, perhaps anywhere in the world. We don’t have any restrictions,” he told reporters.
“Sometimes people are too focused on where they are and they don’t realise that outside of NSW it’s a very different situation. Australia is bigger than just NSW.
“We are not living in caves — we are living a normal life.”
Mr McGowan also noted WA was providing a great deal of the revenue being used to help NSW during its outbreak.
Meanwhile, many people took to social media to poke fun at the Prime Minister’s unusual film reference.
“NSW should have watched The Croods earlier and harder, and saved the entire country from this mess,” Naaman Zhou wrote.
Several people also joked about getting a copy of the film on DVD when vaccination rates reached 80 per cent.
Others humorously compared Mr Morrison’s comment to famous quotes by other world leaders in the past, such as Winston Churchill.
During a series of media appearances on Tuesday, Mr Morrison spoke about the vaccination rollout, lockdowns and reopening the country.
Premier Mark McGowan isn’t pulling any punches. 
WA Premier Mark McGowan said the Prime Minister’s comments were “an odd thing to say”. 
He said there was no reason families could not be reunited for Christmas — but only if all states stuck to the agreed national vaccination plan.
“Let me be clear, there is nothing more powerful to deal with Covid-19 than the vaccine,” the Prime Minister told Sunrise.
“There is no government, no individual, no set of border protections that is more powerful than the vaccine.
“Once the vaccine is there at 70 and 80 per cent, you do more harm than good to your people by locking them down and locking them up and keeping them in the cave.”
Prime Minister Scott Morrison is ramping up the pressure on the states to fall in line and accept the national plan. 
Mr Morrison said if the plan was followed then there was “no reason” why Australians couldn’t be reunited for Christmas.
“I believe we will be able to be in that position if we had those marks of 70 per cent and 80 per cent because there is no reason why you shouldn’t be,” he said.
Aside from WA being an obvious blocker to the plan, Queensland has also shown some hesitancy.
Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk on Monday said “the goalposts have changed” since she agreed to the plan.


New Zealanders must therefore act despite Jacinda Ardern's guilty naivety. They must be 1.5 M to group by 25 to make the health revolution.
They must designate 60,000 basic delegates (# 1pour25) including 12,000 health delegates (# 1pour125)


These 60,000 revocable delegates must complete without her the work of Jacinda Ardern 2020
The urgent task is to STOP the vaccination in order to do (at least) 82,000 tests around the 82 newly infected
Revolution #1for25
#HealthRevolution! #1for125!
One health delegate for 125 citizens
Massive screening revolution!


Mark McGowan responds to Scott Morrison’s caveman comments on lockdown

Courtney Gould and Angie Raphael
NCA NewsWire
August 24, 2021 10:51AM

The Prime Minister has alienated and angered an entire state after appearing to liken Western Australia to cavemen seen in a 2013 Hollywood film during a bizarre television interview.
Scott Morrison was discussing COVID-19 vaccination rates when he said it was “absurd” for any state to think they could protect themselves from the Delta strain forever, in a clear dig to states like WA.
“Now it’s like that movie The Croods,” he told The Today Show on Tuesday, in reference to the children’s film about cavemen.
“Some wanted to stay in the cave and the young girl wanted to deal with the challenges of living in a different world. Covid is a different world ... we can’t stay in the cave.”
WA Premier Mark McGowan said the Prime Minister’s comments were “an odd thing to say”.
“We are not in lockdown, we are the freest community anywhere in Australia, perhaps anywhere in the world. We don’t have any restrictions,” he told reporters.
“Sometimes people are too focused on where they are and they don’t realise that outside of NSW it’s a very different situation. Australia is bigger than just NSW.
“We are not living in caves — we are living a normal life.”
Mr McGowan also noted WA was providing a great deal of the revenue being used to help NSW during its outbreak.
Meanwhile, many people took to social media to poke fun at the Prime Minister’s unusual film reference.
“NSW should have watched The Croods earlier and harder, and saved the entire country from this mess,” Naaman Zhou wrote.
Several people also joked about getting a copy of the film on DVD when vaccination rates reached 80 per cent.
Others humorously compared Mr Morrison’s comment to famous quotes by other world leaders in the past, such as Winston Churchill.
During a series of media appearances on Tuesday, Mr Morrison spoke about the vaccination rollout, lockdowns and reopening the country.
Premier Mark McGowan isn’t pulling any punches. 
WA Premier Mark McGowan said the Prime Minister’s comments were “an odd thing to say”. 
He said there was no reason families could not be reunited for Christmas — but only if all states stuck to the agreed national vaccination plan.
“Let me be clear, there is nothing more powerful to deal with Covid-19 than the vaccine,” the Prime Minister told Sunrise.
“There is no government, no individual, no set of border protections that is more powerful than the vaccine.
“Once the vaccine is there at 70 and 80 per cent, you do more harm than good to your people by locking them down and locking them up and keeping them in the cave.”
Prime Minister Scott Morrison is ramping up the pressure on the states to fall in line and accept the national plan. 
Mr Morrison said if the plan was followed then there was “no reason” why Australians couldn’t be reunited for Christmas.
“I believe we will be able to be in that position if we had those marks of 70 per cent and 80 per cent because there is no reason why you shouldn’t be,” he said.
Aside from WA being an obvious blocker to the plan, Queensland has also shown some hesitancy.
Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk on Monday said “the goalposts have changed” since she agreed to the plan.
Scott Morrison has urged state premiers not to waiver from the national plan. 
The plan, Ms Palaszczuk argued, was modelled on an initial outbreak of 30 cases, noting there were now thousands of cases across Australia.
“This is a book that hasn’t been written, folks. This is uncharted territory,” she said.
But late Monday evening, the Doherty Institute – which mapped Australia’s way out of the pandemic – said reopening the country was still safe despite higher case numbers.
“There is light at the end of the tunnel – once we achieve 70 per cent to 80 per cent vaccination we will see less transmission of Covid-19 and fewer people with severe illness, and therefore fewer hospitalisations and deaths,” a statement read.
“Covid-19 won’t go away but it will be easier to control in the future.
“This level of vaccination will make it easier to live with the virus, as we do with other viruses such as the flu.
“However, it won’t be possible to maintain a situation where there are no cases at all.”
The Doherty Institute estimated at phase B – or 70 per cent – Australia could see 385,983 symptomatic cases of Covid-19 and 1457 deaths over six months.
Testing and tracing cases as well as isolating and quarantining those who test positive, will assist in keeping the numbers down.
Mr Morrison said the restrictions in this phase was just “common sense”.
“There is not zero restrictions, there are common sense baseline level restrictions and I wouldn’t even call them restrictions, it’s just common sense behaviour,” he told the Today Show.
“Washing your hands and maintaining good hygiene and doing all that sort of common sense stuff.”
Originally published as Scott Morrison’s caveman comments alienate Western Australia

jeudi 5 août 2021

Macron Fabius et Conseil Constitutionnel En Prison Il faut une REVOLUTION #1pour25 par 25M de Français avec 1M de délégués révocables En réaction à la décision illégale du Conseil Constitutionnel petit rassemblement de moins de 30 personnes place de l'Hôtel de Ville au Havre

par Yanick Toutain 
et Julie Amadis
L'Havrais Vérité
5 août 2021


#Manifestation31Juillet VS #PassSanitaire au #Havre : Plus de 1000 personnes manifestant au cri de "liberté" quelques dizaines ajoutant "Macron En Prison", "Révolution"

Macron Fabius
et Conseil Constitutionnel
En Prison
 Il faut une REVOLUTION #1pour25
par 25M de Français
avec 1M de délégués révocables 
En réaction à la décision illégale du Conseil Constitutionnel petit rassemblement de moins de 30 personnes place de l'Hôtel de Ville au Havre

Nous n'étions pas bien nombreux sur la place de l'Hôtel de ville du Havre ce soir.  Moins d'une vingtaine plus une dizaine qui sont passés nous soutenir. Mais la qualité des échanges a largement compensé la petitesse du nombre.
Tout y est passé : du complot terroriste du 16 décembre 2010 (sous la protection du futur procureur François Molins) au complot sanitaire de 2020-2021 pour SABOTER toutes les mesures Zéro COVID
Tout y est passé du complot sanitaire de janvier 2020 laissant passer le coronavirus au graphique de Our World in data prouvant 1° que l'Islande vaccinée a vu son taux d'incidence exploser.
Des magouilles de Macron en 2021 pour ouvrir Roissy aux variants au sabotage du dépistage en Martinique, l'ARS criminelle divisant par 16 le nombre minimum de tests (avec un taux de positivité dépassant 16%) 
Même l'ex inspecteur d'académie du Havre Serge Tillmann, qui a rejoint à Doha ses complices terroristes Al Thani financier des jihadistes du Mali a eu droit au rappel de son édifiante biographie de fabriquant et receleur de faux en écritures pour organiser la révocation de la professeur des écoles Julie Amadis sur la base des faux témoignages de l'enseignant Léon Launay - créature de Tillmann et du complot terroriste.
Tout y est passé : la possibilité en 2010 aux 40 000 manifestants du Havre de montrer comment DEGAGER SARKOZY, la possibilité en septembre 2010, 4 mois avant la révolution tunisienne du 14 janvier 2011 de former 8000 groupes de 5, en désignant 8000 DIB, délégués de base, puis 1600 DB délégués de base #1pour25, puis 320 délégués DIC en formant 320 groupes de 125 avec 100 délégateurs et 25 délégués dans chacun des 320 grands conseils de 25.
La possibilité que ces 320 délégués DIC se groupent pas 5 pour désigner 64 délégués conseillers #1pour625 puis que ces derniers par 5 désignent à leur tour 12 délégués intermédiaires députés.
On aurait alors 12 fois 3125 = 37 500 manifestants qui seraient représentés par 12 délégués, chacun des 12 parlant au nom de 25*25*5 = 3125 délégateurs.

Tout y est passé : le commissaire de police français Jean-Marie Bourry, envoyé par Sarkozy en 2010 pour aider les terroristes de Côte d'ivoire. L'appel de la radio ONUCI de l'ONU aux naïfs manifestants pacifiques à rejoindre les terroristes armés de kalachnikov et de lance roquettes pour les entrainer dans l'attaque de la RTI, radio télévision ivoirienne.
L'explication de comment les juges voyous de Sarkozy, Hollande, Michel Mercier , Taubira ont validé, recelé et même fabriqué (pour cour d'appel de Bordeaux) des faux en écritures publiques.

Tout y est passé : le rappel de l'héritage de la Commune de Paris : délégués révocables, fonctionnaires révocables, l'héritage de la révolution russe (discussion avec une Russe sur le soviet de Petrograd #1pour500 en 1905 et #1pour1000 le 12 mars 1917)
L'héritage de la révolution chinoise de 1851 qui a repris le système ancestral - groupes de 5, 25, 125 etc - du Duc de Zhou il y a 3000 ans dans son Tcheou Li écrit au 11° siècle avant JC.

Tout y est passé, et même la formation embryonnaire d'un mini conseil de 5 

Peut-être la formation du 1° mini-conseil humanocrate de France

au Havre ce 5 août 2021 pour le mini rassemblement (de 30 personnes) 

place de l'Hôtel de Ville contre le Conseil Constitutionnel

 et la validation de la loi Pass Sanitaire Vaccination Obligatoire

Formation d'un mini-conseil de 5 avec son 

DIB Délégué Intermédiaire de Base

entouré de ses 4 adjoints statutaires

(délégué écologie économie sous-commission viti-vini-agriculture

 et ses 4 adjoints correspondants sécurité pédagogie santé justice)