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mardi 27 décembre 2016

Pendant 46 ans Vera Rubin a escroqué l'humanité avec un délire Dark Matter ! L'obscurantiste "matière noire" est morte le 25 décembre

par Yanick Toutain

Depuis 2012 je dénonce cette mafia d'escrocs qui font commerce d'un délire relevant de la psychiatrie : la matière noire.


Un délire de Zwicky repris par une folle qui ne sait pas, depuis 1970, que l'utilisation des lois de Newton prévoit que les vitesses les plus élevées sont, dans les galaxies, celles des étoiles périphériques.
Ou plutôt qui prétend savoir le contraire


How crazy Vera Rubin re-invented the delirium Dark Matter to stay on East Coast

by Yanick Toutain
December 14, 2016

...I came out with sets of numbers and I plotted the more pieces of paper
and I discovered that the stars as you went further and further out
did not slow down.
They were moving just as fast as the stars near the center.
And then a surprise that had to be explained. "
from Newton's law, 
it was expected that the velocities of the stars
 would fall off. 
So it was clear that our ideas about galaxies were incorrect."
Vera Rubin
"....j'ai découvert que les étoiles, plus on avance, ne ralentissaient pas.
Elles se déplaçaient aussi vite que les étoiles près du centre.
Et ensuite une surprise que l'on a dû expliquer.
De la loi de Newton, il était attendu que les vitesses des étoiles diminuent.
Donc il était clair que nos idées de galaxies étaient incorrectes."
Vera Rubin (article en traduction Google potable)
10 jours avant sa mort j'ai twitté les preuves (du contraire) de ses délires !

Il est visible que la courbe faite par les lois de Newton est totalement différente de la courbe des vitesses des planètes

Tous les enfants de 8 ans, après la révolution, comprendront que la gravité maximale est à la surface de la Terre (Un objet lâché met une seconde pour parcourir 4,905 mètres)
Tous les enfants de 8 ans, après la révolution comprendront que pour parcourir la même distance, un objet lâché au fond d'une crevasse mettre PLUS d'une SECONDE pour atteindre le fond : l'accélération centripète DIMINUE à mesure qu'on approche du centre.
Mais la folle Vera Rubin et sa secte malfaisante ont répété le contraire pendant 46 ans

Trois jours avant sa mort j'ai publié mon programme pour faire taire définitivement cette mafia d'escrocs obscurantistes
En vain !

Affirmer que les galaxies sont semblables aux systèmes solaires est une preuve d'arrogance stupide
Affirmer que les lois de Newton prévoient des vitesses décroissantes pour les étoiles périphériques des galaxies est un mensonge éhonté ainsi qu'une preuve de bêtise et de présomption ignare
Ne pas comprendre que les lois de Newton donnent des résultats différents dans les galaxies parce que l'accélération centripète est causée par les étoiles les plus proches (bien plus que par les étoiles lointaines) est une preuve d'incompétence antiscientifique.
Ne pas comprendre que les étoiles périphériques sont attirées par la totalité des autres étoiles de la galaxie est une preuve de bêtise !
Déduire de ces preuves d'ignorance (appelées "découvertes" par Vera Rubin en 1970) qu'elles impliquent l'existence d'une matière  noire est une preuve de délire relevant de soins psychiatriques
Faire un commerce de ces délires relève des tribunaux statuant en matière d'escroquerie.

mercredi 14 décembre 2016

How crazy Vera Rubin re-invented the delirium Dark Matter to stay on East Coast

by Yanick Toutain
December 14, 2016

...I came out with sets of numbers and I plotted the more pieces of paper
and I discovered that the stars as you went further and further out
did not slow down.
They were moving just as fast as the stars near the center.
And then a surprise that had to be explained. "
from Newton's law,
it was expected that the velocities of the stars
 would fall off.
So it was clear that our ideas about galaxies were incorrect."
Vera Rubin

Where we discover that a crazy woman, not to go to California used her ignorance and instrumentalized her idleness to re-invent a madness: an invisible matter that attracts the stars of peripheries but ..... do not diminish their centripetal acceleration: the mysterious dark matter
"When I started working here I looked for a problem that i could do at my own pace. I had four children and a supportive husband but traveling was more difficult to go two observatories out west which was necessary.
... If we plot the velocity of the planets as a function of distance from the Sun Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto and you can see that Mercury orbits much more rapidly and..

This fool forgets to say (to verify) that if 50 suns were in the orbit of Jupiter, the velocity of Pluto would be greater than that of Mercury
... I picked the outsides of galaxies because that was the problem that no one that I know of is studying and it was problem that i have been interested in for quite a while.
It was mainly because her ignorance was going to give her a varnish of celebrity at low cost among the obscurantists who have the power
...I came out with sets of numbers and I plotted the more pieces of paper and I discovered that the stars as you went further and further out did not slow down. They were moving just as fast as the stars near the center. And then a surprise that had to be explained.
It is enough to think to understand that the peripheral stars undergo the maximum of centripetal acceleration.
And that therefore their velocity is proportional to the square root of the TOTALITY of the centripetal acceleration of the TOTALITY of the stars
... If we observe the velocities of stars orbiting in the galaxy we find that their velocities remain flat all the way to the edge of our observations. That's not what was expected by correspondence with the solar system. And in fact just from Newton's law, it was expected that the velocities of the stars would fall off. So it was clear that our ideas about galaxies were incorrect."
This madwoman has not checked anything and reinvented a delirium: the BLACK MATTER of the crazy Zwicky


COMPLETE VERBATIM (with some mistakes)

The world was not yet ready for Peebles and Ostriker, and their ideas of dark matter. But things were about to change, thanks to Vera Rubin at the Cornegie Institute. Vera Rubin has spent decades solving the mysteries of the universe. She said,

"Wwhen I started working here I looked for a problem that i could do at my own pace. I had four children and a supportive husband but traveling was more difficult to go two observatories out west which was necessary.

The other decided to ignore the sexy science of black holes which was very big at the time and look instead of entire galaxies. By doing so she stumbled across something much more fundamental.
For 300 years, Newton's law of gravity has defined our understanding of the universe.
Gravity governs everything from falling apples to the air and flow of the tides. But fully understand scientists had to look beyond planet Earth. Gravity's mysterious part is clearest in the solar system where the Sun holds the orbiting planets in its gravitational grip

VR "If we plot the velocity of the planets as a function of distance from the Sun Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto and you can see that Mercury orbits much more rapidly and...

The graph is called a rotation curve it is the embodiment of the law of gravity. The further away you travel from the Sun, the weaker its gravitational force.
Galaxies work in the same way as our solar system except that instead of planets orbiting a central Sun, in a spiral galaxies stars are held in orbit by a gravity providing black hole.
In the nineteen seventies Vera's family-friendly project was looking for rotation curves in galaxies.

VR "I picked the outsides of galaxies because that was the problem that no one that I know of is studying and it was problem that i have been interested in for quite a while"

Via turned her telescopes on Andromeda galaxy closest to our own

VR " I came out with sets of numbers and I plotted the more pieces of paper and i discovered that the stars as you went further and further out did not slow down. They were moving just as fast as the stars near the center. And then a surprise that had to be explained. "

The stars seem to defy the laws of gravity the expected rotation curves weren't codes at all.

VR "If we observe the velocities of stars orbiting in the galaxy we find that their velocities remain flat all the way to the edge of our observations. That's not what was expected by correspondence with the solar system. And in fact just from Newton's law, it was expected that the velocities of the stars would fall off. So it was clear that our ideas about galaxies were incorrect."

The stars were moving too fast by rights they should simply fly off into space. It was as though they were being held in place by extra gravity and as luck would have it down the road at Princeton there was just the right amount of dark matter to provide just the right amount of extra gravity. It was a match made in heaven

lundi 5 décembre 2016

Vera Rubin's Dark Matter is a hoax ! Since 2012 I wait for Stacy Mc Gaugh post me his answer! He prefers to believe in the lucubrations of Vera Rubin and Mordehai Milgrom

by Yanick Toutain
December 5, 2012



I have been patient since April 14, 2012 that Stacy Mc Gaugh answers me: whether or not he verified the statements of Vera Rubin?
Does Newton's laws prohibit high velocities for the peripheral stars of galaxies?
Did or not he verify that Mordehai Milgrom's lucubrations were useless to explain that the centripetal acceleration was maximum for stars farthest from the center of galaxies?
He never deigned to reply!
As Isaac Newton did not have the right qualifications either, he probably would not have answered either.
Too bad!
Especially since his complement to the discoveries of Tully-Fisher have placed him among the greatest discoverers of facts of recent decades.

Je patiente depuis le 14 avril 2012 que Stacy Mc Gaugh me réponde : est-ce que oui ou non il a vérifié les affirmations de Vera Rubin ?
Est-ce que oui ou non il pense toujours que les lois de Newton interdisent des vitesses élevées pour les étoiles périphériques des galaxies ?
Est-ce que oui ou non il a vérifié que les élucubrations de Mordehai Milgrom étaient inutiles pour expliquer que l'accélération centripète était maximale pour les étoiles les plus éloignées du centre des galaxies ?
Il n'a jamais daigné répondre !
Comme Isaac Newton n'avait pas - lui non plus - les bons diplômes, il ne lui aurait sans doute pas répondu non plus.
C'est dommage !
D'autant plus que son complément aux découvertes de Tully-Fisher l'ont placé parmi les plus grands découvreurs de faits des récentes décennies.


Isaac Newton VS Fritz Zwicky-Vera Rubin (EN) No dark matter 2012 03 30 first video test