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lundi 2 mai 2011

Bin Laden's death: The killers fascists in France, Argentina and the USA love to launch the bodies from the helicopters !! Barack Obama is a fascist barbarian!

by Yanick Toutain (automatic translation Google)

+ + "Is estimated at 30,000 the number of desaparecidos (disappeared) in Argentina, who were tortured in secret detention centers after being kidnapped (....) before being discarded at sea, drugged, on board helicopters (the "death flights"). "( Wikipedia: Dirty War "
The Islamo-fascist billionaire Osama Bin Laden (أسامة بن محمد بن عوض بن لادن,), a puppet of the U.S. for years and that has bitten the hand of his master in a day by as many deaths in New York than the Africa suffers every eight hours (Only babies) .... just simply murdered by their masters. 
Death (s) 2976 victims and 19 hijackers (source Wikipediabombings of September 11, 2001)
I remember the gentleman in 2005 8200 African babies dying each day. 
3 MILLION A YEAR. What about 2009, it was 7800 per day. 2.86 million per year. (YT: SEND shareholder of TEPCO Fukushima die like maneuvers, ...) 18/03/2011 

They have the gall to claim the murder in cold blood. 
Osama bin Laden ( Arabic : أسامة بن محمد بن عوض بن لادن, Usama bin Muhammad bin Awad bin Laden °), born 10 March 1957 inRiyadh ( Saudi Arabia ) and died on 1 May 2011 2 , 3 , 4 inAbbottabad ( Pakistan ), is an Islamist stateless 5 , the spiritual leader of the network jihadist al-Qaida 6 .


The mission of the U.S. commando assault in Pakistan which has killed Osama bin Laden was not to kill and capture al Qaeda leader, told Reuters an official of the national security of the United States. "This was an operation designed to kill,"the official said, stressing that there was clearly no intention to capture Osama bin Laden living in Pakistan. ( JDD source )

A murder committed by infringing on territorial integrity of a country - Pakistan. 


Osama bin Laden WAS buried at sea Monday after U.S. forces raided history well-appointed hideout in Pakistan and Killed in a Firefight HIM, U.S. officials said. 'Washington Post)
Barack Obama sends the fascist killing members of the Ivorian government and the family of the former puppet formoisy green comprador Gaddafi. Now is the Islamofascist Ben Laden who is a victim of the methods of Al Capone U.S.. 

Video: Washington Post 


Video source: Le Figaro + 
"Tonight, I am able to announce to the Americans and the world that the United States led an operation that killed Osama bin Laden, the leader of Al Qaeda, a terrorist responsible for killing thousands of innocent . 
"It's been almost ten years as a beautiful September day was overshadowed by the worst attack in our history. The images of Sept. 11 are branded with hot iron in our national memory: the hijacked planes that pass through a cloudless sky, the twin towers collapsing, black smoke rising from the Pentagon and the wreckage of Flight 93 in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, where acts of heroism have prevented even more grief and destruction. 
"And we also know that the worst pictures are those that have not been seen by the world. The empty chair at dinner. Children who have had to grow up without their mother or father. Parents can never take their children in their arms. Nearly 3,000 citizens have been stripped away, leaving us with a terrible void in the heart. 
In Pictures
"On September 11, 2001 (...) we were also united in our resolve to protect our country and bring to justice those who committed these heinous attacks (...) And so we went to war against al-Qaeda to protect our citizens, our friends and allies. 
"And yet, Osama bin Laden has avoided capture and escaped from Afghanistan to Pakistan. Meanwhile, Al Qaeda has continued to operate along the border, and through its branches in the world. 
"And shortly after he took office (in January 2009, ed), I asked Leon Panetta, director of the CIA, to the elimination or capture of bin Laden the priority of our war against al Qaeda, even as we continue to conduct operations to destroy, dismantle and defeat its network. 
"And, last August, after years of painstaking work of our intelligence, I was informed of the existence of a possible trail to bin Laden. 
"It took several months to up this thread. I met with my national security team on numerous occasions to gather more information relating to a location of bin Laden in a complex of buildings in the heart of Pakistan," Has he added. 
"And finally, last week, I determined that we had enough information to act, and have authorized an operation to capture Osama bin Laden to appear before the court. 
"Today (Sunday), the United States has launched a targeted operation against the complex in Pakistan, Abbottabad. A small team of Americans was conducted with courage and extraordinary skill. No American has been injured. 
"After an exchange of gunfire, they killed Osama bin Laden and his body recovered. 
"The death of bin Laden is the most important achievement so far in the operations of our country to defeat al-Qaeda. However, his death does not mark the end of our efforts. There is no doubt Al-Qaeda will keep trying to attack us. We must remain vigilant in our country and abroad, and will remain so. 
"We must repeat that the United States are not at war against Islam and never will be (...) Bin Laden was not a Muslim leader. He killed a lot of Muslims (...) Her end should be welcomed by all who believe in peace and human dignity. 
"It is important to note that our cooperation in counter-terrorism with Pakistan has helped us achieve bin Laden and the complex where he was hiding. 
"Tonight, I called the President (Asif Ali) Zardari (...) is a great day, a historic day for our two countries. 
"The Americans did not choose this fight. He came to us and began with the senseless slaughter of our countrymen. After nearly 10 years of service, struggle and sacrifice, we know the cost of war. 
"(...) But we will never tolerate that our security is threatened, and not remain inert when our citizens were killed (...) We will respect the values ​​that define us. And a night like this, we can say to families who lost loved ones to terrorism of Al Qaeda: Justice is done. " (Source: Le Nouvel Observateur )


A funeral ceremony took place for Osama bin Laden on the deck of U.S. aircraft carrier Carl Vinson, in the Arabian Sea, in accordance with Muslim traditions, before his body was left at sea, said Monday A senior U.S. defense. ( source JDD)


It should be noted that the helicopter technical assassin is an invention of the French fascist army in Algeria.Armyworms (including some ex-Nazis and other children of Jewish victims of the above) murdered many of the Algerian FLN resistant. 
Therefore, to avoid the traces they invented ASSASSINATION IN HELICOPTER: the victim was alive launched from a helicopter of the French army off the Algerian coast in the Mediterranean Sea! 
Subsequently, these methods were provided by French at TRAINERS UNDER THE COOPERATION torture in Argentina. 
The killers of the army of France to the fascist military money explained how Argentina and make them as many MURDERS BY HELICOPTER in the Atlantic Ocean! 

WIKIPEDIA remember these horrific crimes 
+ + + 
Enforced disappearances and stolen babies 
María Claudia Falcone, 16, desaparecida September 16, 1976 at the Night of the pencils. 

The junta generalized method of enforced disappearances, sequestering opponents, trade unionists and members of families, including many minors. An estimated 30 000 the number of desaparecidos (disappeared) in Argentina, who were tortured in secret detention centers after being kidnapped (almost always by agents of military and special police teams, the Grupos de Tareas, GT, to board of Ford Falcons, which quickly became symbols of repression), before being thrown into sea, drugged, in helicopters (the "death flights"). The journalist Marie-Monique Robin has shown that this technique directly derived from that used in the Battle of Algiers, the so-called "Shrimp Bigeard," France has a secret military cooperation agreement with Argentina to 1959 to 198,116.
+ + + 
That fascist morons who run the U.S. has been able to imagine denying Islamo-fascist bigots from a place of pilgrimage is a further demonstration of their crass stupidity! 
The barbarism of the jettisoning of a body at large will appear for all future generations as absolute proof that the U.S. is a fascist state that has even the minimum level of humanity to respect the dead. 
But even worse for those idiots who crushed the African continent and South America, the new revolutionary upsurge inexorable will bring new generations remember the true history of crimes in France and U.S. African Republic to: the murders of the puppets of the U.S. and Argentina the assassination of the army of Guy Mollet, De Gaulle and co will be back in the spotlight. And the re-release of these criminals drops on the remains of Bin Laden will cost them their reputation! Definitely. 
These morons environmental criminals, murderers of the Earth's South will be swept from the political surface of the Earth and a Nuremberg Africa will be joined by a Nuremberg where American Indian children mix with the children of victims of murderers helicopters, a Nuremberg Asia and Oceania will complement the indictment. 
AND Barack Obama will be doomed to come off, apologizing to the families Ivory Coast, Cameroon, Argentina etc. ..... for his crimes and those of his predecessors. 
Thousands of kilometers. 
It finally make amends as did the former Emperor of China is one ...boot! 


Dirty War - Guerra sucia

The "dirty war" ( Spanish : guerra sucia) is a term used to designate the state repression that took place in 1960 , 1970and 1980 in Latin America , first in Argentina , in Brazil , and in entire Southern Cone in the 1970s, then Central America . 
There are nearly 30,000 "disappeared" ( desaparecidos ) in Argentina, shot 15 000, 9,000 political prisoners, and 1.5 million exiles to 30 million 1 . "Archives of terror", discovered in a police station in Paraguay in 1992 and which relate to theOperation Condor carried out by the dictatorships of theSouthern Cone , have a total of 50 000 people murdered, 30,000 "disappeared" and 400,000 people imprisoned 2 . TheValech Report in Chile, released in 2004, has 30 000 people being tortured for the sole Chile Pinochet . The Argentine justice has spoken for the first time " genocide "at the trial ofMiguel Etchecolatz , a notorious member of the Buenos Aires police , tried for crimes against humanity in 2006. Thirty years after the coup that brought the military regime in Argentina, this trial has seen the disappearance of Jorge Julio Lopez , who was to testify against Etchecolatz. Jorge Julio Lopez has still not been found, while the potential responsible for her disappearance have also not been identified - although strong suspicion on members of law enforcement, military or intelligence agencies.
on Islamofascism, we wrote many articles on Révolisation News 


They died in service to protect the dealer Sarkozy Hamid Karzai.Now proud of themselves, their comrades will kill Ivorians.A comment on RUE89


Tunisia: A compost of misery that only heal a political liberal-egalitarian and three revolutions provocations VS Islamo-fascists and fascist-Hitlero esclavoisie and bancocratie (a comment for Nicolas Beau)

by Yanick Toutain

"Four days ago, the cleric had received this strange message:" O Jews, we know who you are, you have lots of money. "And the letter was signed with a swastika."
Nicolas Beau

Tunis slain priest, brothel closed, Ambassador nervous

Saturday, bad weather in Tunis, and a situation still marked by floating a government, a worsening economic situation and population, surprisingly quiet, where the desire to speak and understand is immense.


about your meeting of 24 February, questions and comments to Loumamba Mohsni (League of the left working - Tunisia), Zyed Dhimene (Marxist revolutionaries - Morocco), Mohammed Yefsah (Socialist Workers Party - Algeria), Houzan Mahmoud (Communist Party Worker-Iraq) and Yadi Kohl (Worker-communist Party of Iran)


Iran Resistance against the dictatorship Islamofascist Khamenei!CLEAR!"Mubarak, Ben Ali, now is the turn of Ali Said" (Khamenei) The Bahrain, Iraq and Yemen still!

Ali Khamenei is a nutcase and a hypocrite. Or both. 
These fascists themselves as believers when they are just manipulative and neurotic bogota spoilers. Their social base, the average Iranian bourgeoisie and formoisy upstart is now frays apart.They only have more than the nazis Islamofascists and crazy bigots soured on the model of those we presented the movie by Marjane Satrapi. 
We see - click on a video-one of these Islamo-fascists who has not understood that time is over dictatorships comprador. 
In Iran, the resistance took the revolutionary path of Tunisian peoples. 
Following the example of anti-Revolution esclavoise Tunisia, after the example of the Egyptian Revolution, after the events in Yemen, Morocco, Algeria, is the turn of Iran of working to overthrow the building Fascist of the bourgeois world. In this Monday, February 14, Iran, Bahrain and Yemen are still at the forefront of the struggle against the bourgeoisie slavery. 


In Tehran, where security forces have used tear gas, several dozen protesters were arrested as they tried to win the big square Azadi (Freedom) despite the ban of the authorities, reports the website Mousavi the opponent. 
"Witnesses say that in some neighborhoods of Tehran, the security forces have arrested dozens of protesters," said Kalemie. 
In Isfahan, the third largest city, incidents broke out between security forces and opponents of the regime who also defied the ban by the authorities. 
"There were clashes between security forces and demonstrators in Isfahan, and several dozen people were arrested," said one witness reached by telephone in this city in central Iran. 
This day of action was a test for Iran's reformist opposition that was more down in the streets for a rally marked by the deaths of eight people in December 2009. 
Police in riot gear, security forces deployed around the main squares of the city militia to motorcycle in Tehran, the authorities had made significant security devices to thwart the plans of the opposition.


Friday, February 11, Second victory for the African Great Revolution, Mubarak has resigned!Next!Bouteflika tomorrow all cons!

That's it! It will have waited 24 hours to please his friends from Langley! To play the card of the Muslim Brotherhood and the Islamo-fascist bigotry, there are always better for these people that have won popular place on Friday! The bigots will always try to pretend that it is their prayers that have been the cause of victory. 


A response to Céline Caudron (Belgium CSF) on the campaign of proselytizing in favor of the veil at school.


Rise in struggle: What is visible and what is not (about the historical crisis of revolutionary directions) on the Facebook page Céline Caudron CSF-Belgium

Saturday, December 11, 2010 

The Islamic veil is a yellow star of women!U.S. - egalitarians - Resistance against bigots and bigoted!

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