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mardi 16 septembre 2014

Baptiste Fontaine censures on Quora : The fake site fights against the newtonism and the real theories of the huge Isaac Newton by erasing the anti-positivists comments

by Yanick Toutain

A french student (he claims this status) is occupied with censoring my questions and comment on Quora.
He hates Newton, materialism but he hides his opinion.....
He is a ADMIN !
Some guy who regrets the Good Old Time of Moscow and the Happy Bureaucracy !

Quora Admin
10 Sep
Some of your recent content (Yanick Toutain's answer to The twin paradox about traveling close the the speed of light. The one twin comes back twenty years younger than the other one. What happened to the missing time?) appears to have been written primarily to drive traffic to an external website. Please note Quora's policy on Spam:

"On Quora, spam is defined as one or more questions, answers or posts whose purpose appears to be to direct traffic to external commercial sites while providing little to no value back to the Quora Community."

If future contributions do not comply with these policies, you may be blocked from editing on Quora. For more information, please see:
What is Quora's policy on disclosing affiliations in answers?
What are the main policies and guidelines for answers on Quora?

To request reconsideration, please email

Thank you,
Quora Admin
The link you mention goes to my blog at Blogspot. A blog which contains no mention of any commercial way.
I publish for free since 1999.
I specifically made ​​sure to always respond negatively to all kinds of offers for banner ads from my host-Google Blogspot.
So I absolutely do not understand your criticism.
Could you please be more specific.
I also want to point out two things.
1 I communicate with you by using Google Translate.
I make sure to copy and paste my text to the left obtained in English to ensure that the new French translation is correct.
But it is possible that errors remain.
That's why I posted my question below the original text in French so that, in case of misunderstanding, a francophone can verify what the real meaning of what I was.
2 I like a place where the real ideas of Isaac Newton and all the materialistic scientists will confront the positivist "inventions", inventions which they claim the word by refusing that of "discoveries". As a logical position because they called "metaphysical" our thought that the universe exists beyond the signals.
Le lien que vous mentionnez se dirige vers mon blog chez Blogspot. Un blog sur lequel ne figure aucune mention commerciale d'aucune sorte.
Je publie gratuitement depuis 1999.
J'ai précisément veillé à toujours répondre par la négative à toutes sortes de propostions de bandeaux publicitaires de la part de mon hébergeur Blogspot-Google.
Je ne comprends donc absolument pas votre reproche.
Pourriez-vous SVP être plus précis.
J'en profite pour vous signaler deux choses.
1° Je ne peux communiquer avec vous qu'en utilisant Google Translate.
Je veille à copier coller vers la gauche mon texte obtenu en version anglaise pour vérifier que la nouvelle traduction vers le français est conforme.
Mais il peut arriver que des fautes subsistent.
C'est la raison pour laquelle je postais en dessous de ma question le texte original en français pour que, en cas de malentendu , un francophone puisse vérifier quel était le sens réel de mes propos.
2° J'apprécie un espace où les idées véritables de Isaac Newton et de tous les scientifiques matérialistes pourront se confronter aux inventions des positivistes, des inventions dont ils revendiquent le mot en refusant celui de "découvertes". Une position logique puisqu'ils appellent "métaphysique" notre certitude que l'univers existe au-delà des signaux.

Thank for your answer
Yanick Toutain

Quora Admin
Some of your recent content (Yanick Toutain's answer to Is "Theories of Everything" by John D. Barrow a readable book for an engineer not specialized in mathematics?) appears to have been written primarily to drive traffic to an external website. Please note Quora's policy on Spam:

"On Quora, spam is defined as one or more questions, answers or posts whose purpose appears to be to direct traffic to external commercial sites while providing little to no value back to the Quora Community."

If future contributions do not comply with these policies, you may be blocked from editing on Quora. For more information, please see:
What is Quora's policy on disclosing affiliations in answers?
What are the main policies and guidelines for answers on Quora?

To request reconsideration, please email

Thank you,
Quora Admin

Quora Admin
Some of your recent content (Yanick Toutain's answer to What impacts will Newton have in the future?) appears to have been written primarily to drive traffic to an external website. Please note Quora's policy on Spam:

"On Quora, spam is defined as one or more questions, answers or posts whose purpose appears to be to direct traffic to external commercial sites while providing little to no value back to the Quora Community."

If future contributions do not comply with these policies, you may be blocked from editing on Quora. For more information, please see:
What is Quora's policy on disclosing affiliations in answers?
What are the main policies and guidelines for answers on Quora?

To request reconsideration, please email

Thank you,
Quora Admin
Yanick Toutain
Just now
Baptiste Fontaine erased my comments and, after accuses me of protesting...
When i write my claim on my blog he accuses me of ...." have been written primarily to drive traffic to an external website"
You are all on Quora absolutely crazy as censors fascists !
x x x x x x
Baptiste Fontaine

Hi Yanick,

Regarding your question Who can help me?, it’s generally better to directly ask the moderator or send an email to instead of asking a question.
The issue with your question is that its details were partially written in French, when Quora requires us to write in English only (see Does content on Quora need to be written in English?).
These details were not necessary to answer the question, I just removed them as well as removed the Needs to Be Written in English flag.

See also:
Why does Quora allow my questions to be edited by others?

-- Baptiste
Quora Admin

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